Arts / Science Building

Kirwan Theatre  

The Kirwan theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located in the middle of the concourse which has a capacity of 312 seats.  

Available Equipment:
Data Projector YES
Interactive Touch Display on Lecture  YES
2 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be boooked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Pan Tilt and Zoom (PTZ) Panasonic High Definition (HD) camera
(located on the back wall of theatre for web conferencing)
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams, YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid teaching equipment settings
Camera Microphone Speaker
Panasonic AVStream Camera 1 Echo Cancelling Speakerphone
Echo Cancelling Speakerphone

Kirwan Theatre Instructions

Click here for instructions on how to use this venue

O'Flaherty Theatre

The O'Flaherty theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located on the concourse which has a capacity of 356 seats

Available Equipment:
2 x Data Projectors
One for PC /Document camera
One for Laptop presentations etc
Interactive Touch Display on Lecturn YES
2 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be boooked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Pan Tilt and Zoom (PTZ) Panasonic High Definition (HD) camera
(located on the back wall of theatre for web conferencing)
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams,  YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron Touchpanel YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching equipment settings
Camera Microphone Speaker
Panasonic AVStream Camera 1 Echo Cancelling Speakerphone
Echo Cancelling Speakerphone
O'Flaherty Dual Projector Instructions

This theatre is equipped with two projectors to allow for dual projection of two different sources to be displayed.  For example on the Main screen your presentation slides from your laptop can be displayed and on the Auxiliary screen you could have the document camera that is connected to the PC.

1.  Press "Power ON" button to begin.

2.  Main Projector is default menu.  Select correct Input you want to use -  ie. Laptop HDMI to present presentation from your laptop.

3.  Select "Aux Projector ON" to power on the second projector.

4.  Select "PC" if you want to show document camera or anything else from the PC.

This is what you should see below Main Screen is displaying whatever is on your laptop.  Auxilliary screen is displaying document camera that is connected to PC.

Please log off and Power off both projectors when finished

O'Flaherty Theatre Teaching Venue Instructions

Click here to see how to use the AV equipment in this venue.

Larmour Theatre

The Larmour theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located on the concourse which has a capacity of 93 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Interactive Touch Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be boooked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Poly Cube wihch can be used for both the camera and microphone in a web conferencing session YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams,  YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)

Larmor theatre teaching venue instructions

Click here for instructions on how to use this venue

Dillon Theatre

The Dillon theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located on the concourse which has a capacity of 95 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Interactive Touch Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be boooked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Poly Cube which can be used for both the camera and microphone in a web conferencing session YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams. YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)

Dillon Theatre teaching venue instructions

Click  here for instructions on how to use this venue

McMunn Theatre

The McMunn theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located on the concourse which has a capacity of 94 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Interactive Touch Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Poly Cube which can be used for both the camera and microphone in a web conferencing session YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams. YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)

McMunn Theatre Teaching venue instructions

Click here for instructions on how to use this venue

Tyndal Theatre

The Tyndal theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located on the concourse which has a capacity of 125 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Poly Cube which can be used for both the camera and microphone in a web conferencing session YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams. YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings  
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)

Tyndal Theatre Teaching venue instructions

Click here for instructions on how to use this venue

Anderson Theatre

The Anderson theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located on the concourse which has a capacity of 242 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Interactive Touch Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Poly Cube which can be used for both the camera and microphone in a web conferencing session YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams,  YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)
Anderson Theatre Teaching Instructions

Click  here for instructions on how to use this venue

Anderson Dual Projector Instructions

This theatre is equipped with two projectors to allow for dual projection of two different sources to be displayed.  For example on the Main screen your presentation slides from your laptop can be displayed and on the Auxiliary screen you could have the document camera that is connected to the PC.

1.  Press "PRESS HERE TO START" button to begin

2.  Main Projector is default menu.  Select correct Input you want to use -  ie. Laptop HDMI to present presentation from your laptop.

3.  Select "AUX PROJECTOR ON" to power on the second projector.

4.  Select "PC" if you want to show document camera on the Auxillary Projector and select "LAPTOP HDMI" if you want to show laptop on the main projector.  Example below;

This is what you should see below Main Screen is displaying whatever is on your laptop.  Auxilliary screen is displaying document camera that is connected to PC.

Please log off and Power off both projectors when finished

Darcy Thompson Theatre

The Darcy Thompson theatre is a tiered lecture theatre located on the concourse which has a capacity of 160 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Interactive Touch Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection YES
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Poly Cube which can be used for both the camera and microphone in a web conferencing session YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Poly Eagle Eye Cube USB Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)

Darcy Thompson theatre instructions

See instructions here


SC200A is a small classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 30 seats

Available Equipment:
65" TV YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom,  Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
Additional Technical Features
Teachers Desk YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC55 (located behind desk) YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) NO
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
AC113 Geography

This seminar room is located in the Arts Science building.  This room has two Aver tracking cameras and a ceiling suspended echo-cancelling boundary microphone for the purpose of facilitating Hybrid Meetings / Seminars. This can be achieved using the provided PC and some of the preinstalled University of Galway ISS supported video conferencing applications. e.g. Zoom or MS Teams.

Available Equipment:
Data Projector YES
Display on Lecturn  YES
1 x Lecturn Microphones YES
1 x Lapel Microphone
(located in School Office)
2 x Handheld Microphone
(located in School Office)
1 x Sennheiser Ceiling Microphone
(used for lecture capture from both audience and presenters into MS Teams, Zoom, Canvas etc)
Laptop Connections
HDMI Laptop connection (on lecturn) YES
HDMI Laptop connection (on boardroom table)
2 x Camera Tracking Pan Tilt and Zoom (PTZ) AVER cameras
(located on the ceiling for presenter tracking and the front wall for audience tracking)
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams, Canvas YES
Additional Technical Features
Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron Touchpanel YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Aver Camera Tracking System YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Instructions on how to use the system
  • Press "PRESS ANYWHERE TO BEGIN" Button on Controller to turn on projector.
  • Select "LECTURN PC" when using the Hybrid equipment.  (Camera, microphones are connected to PC only). When you move the mouse the PC should wake up, if not please press the Power button on the PC to turn on.
  • Login to the provided PC using your University of Galway campus account:
  •                 Staff:  login using staffid  (e.g 0123456s ) and associated password
  • From the PC desktop, please double click to the application you wish to use. i.e. MS Teams or Zoom.  When signing in to Teams or Zoom please use login [email protected] and associated password.
  • Ensure that you select the correct, camera, microphone and the speaker within the application’s  Audio & Video settings.
  • How to select the correct Camera, Microphone, and Speaker while using this PC for Hybrid Meetings:
  • Select "AVER MT300N " as your camera. You can then select the correct Camera Setting from the Touchpanel.
  • Select “Dante USB Receive (Dante USB I/O Module)”as your microphone.  
  • Select  “PT-VZ585NE (2-HP Audio Driver for Display Audio)” as your speaker.  
Camera Settings

There are 5 different profiles that can be chosen from for camera settings.  The user can change the camera settings and turn on/off camera tracking in the Lecturer Camera using the below on the control panel under "CAMERA MODE":

  • Select "LECTURN FIXED" for Fixed Camera shot on Presenter only.
  • Select "LECTURN TRACKING" for Presenter Tracking.  This will track to one presenter only.
  • Select "SPEAKER TRACKING" for Presenter  / Audience Tracking for Presenter / Audience tracking.  This will change between Presenter tracking and audience questions automatically.
  • Select "AUDIENCE FIXED" for Fixed Audience.  This is a wide fixed shot of audience.  
  • Select "AUDIENCE TRACKING" for Audience only.  This is a tracking preset for audience camera only.
Press "SHUTDOWN" and log off the PC to shut down.
Hybrid Teaching equipment settings
Camera Microphone Speaker
AVER MT300N Dante USB Receive (Dante USB I/O Module) PT-VZ585NE (2-HP Audio Driver for Display Audio)
AC115 Geography

This meeting room is located in the Arts Science building.  This room has one Aver tracking camera and a ceiling suspended echo-cancelling boundary microphone for the purpose of facilitating Hybrid Meetings. This can be achieved using the provided PC or laptop connection (HDMI and USB cable) and some of the preinstalled University of Galway ISS supported video conferencing applications. e.g. Zoom or MS Teams.

Available Equipment:
2 x 75" TV on wall YES
Display on Desk for PC YES
1 x Sennheiser Ceiling Microphone
(used for lecture capture from both audience and presenters into MS Teams, Zoom, Canvas etc)
Laptop Connections
HDMI Laptop connection (on wall) YES
USB Cable ( to connect to Hybrid equipment - camera, microphone) YES
1 x Camera Tracking Pan Tilt and Zoom (PTZ) AVER CAM 570 camera
(located underneath TV)
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams, Canvas YES
Additional Technical Features
Desk YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Speakers YES
Instructions on how to use the system
  • Press "ON" Button on Controller to turn on projector.
  • Select "PC" when using the Hybrid equipment.  (Camera, microphones are connected to PC only). When you move the mouse the PC should wake up, if not please press the Power button on the PC to turn on.
  • Login to the provided PC using your University of Galway campus account:
  •                 Staff:  login using staffid  (e.g 0123456s ) and associated password
  • From the PC desktop, please double click to the application you wish to use. i.e. MS Teams or Zoom.  When signing in to Teams or Zoom please use login [email protected] and associated password.
  • Ensure that you select the correct, camera, microphone and the speaker within the application’s  Audio & Video settings.
  • How to select the correct Camera, Microphone, and Speaker while using this PC for Hybrid Meetings:
  • Select "AVER CAM 570 " as your camera. You can then select the correct Camera Setting from the Touchpanel.
  • Select “Dante USB Receive (Dante USB I/O Module)”as your microphone.  
  • Select  “Extron HDMI (HD Audio Driver for Display Audio)” as your speaker.  
Press "Off" and log off the PC to shut down.
Hybrid Teaching equipment settings
Camera Microphone Speaker
AVER CAM 570 Dante USB Receive (Dante USB I/O Module) Extron HDMI (HD Audio Driver for Display Audio)
Class Room 201

Room 201 is a large tiered classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 96 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom,  Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor with built in microphone for Hybrid Meetings
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams YES
Additional Technical Features
Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector YES
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
USB 2.0 FHD VC Webcam Echocancelling Spekerphone (Asus BE / C6 Webcam Series) Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)

Class Room 201  Instructions

See instructions here

Class Room 202

Room 202 is a large classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 88 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Interactive display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam EchoCancelling Speakerphone (Asus BE/C6 Webcam Series) PT-VW460 (Intel Display Audio)

Class Room 202 Instructions

See instructions here

Class Room 203

Room 203 is a large classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 88 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Interactive display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams,  YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam EchoCancelling Speakerphone (Asus BE/C6 Webcam Series) PT-VW460 (Intel Display Audio)

Class Room 203 Instructions

See instructions here

Class Room 204

Room 204 is a large classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 50 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams, YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam EchoCancelling Speakerphone (Asus BE/C6 Webcam Series) PT-VW460 (Intel Display Audio)

Class room 204 Instructions

See instructions here

Class Room 213

Room 213 is a large classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 70 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams,  YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam EchoCancelling Speakerphone (Asus BE/C6 Webcam Series) PT-VW460 (Intel Display Audio)

Room 213 Instructions

See instructions here

Class Room 214

Room 214 is a large classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 56 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES

Hybrid Teaching Equipment Settings

Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam EchoCancelling Speakerphone (Asus BE/C6 Webcam Series) PT-VW460 (Intel Display Audio)

Room 214 Instructions

See instructions here

Class Room 215

Room 215 is a large classroom located on the concourse which has a capacity of 70 seats

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams YES
Additional Technical Features
Height Adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Settings
Speaker/room camera Microphone Speaker
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam EchoCancelling Speakerphone (Asus BE/C6 Webcam Series) PT-VW460 (Intel Display Audio)

Room 215 Instructions

See instructions here

SC200C Lab

SC200C is a large Biology lab located in the Arts /Science Building.

Available Equipment
Data Projector at front of venue  YES
6 x 65" TVs around room
1 x 65" TV on back wall
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
1 x Lapel Microphone
(located in cabinet)
1 x Handheld Microphone
(located in cabinet)
Boundary Microphone - Sennheiser Team Connect ceiling microphone
(used for lecture capture, hybrid calls audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
HDMI Laptop connection YES
1 x AVer DL30 camera for presenter tracking YES
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams etc YES
Additional Technical Features
Desk Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera YES
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV YES
3 x USB ports for connecting microscopes YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Settings
Camera Microphone Speaker
AVer DL30 Dante USB Receive (Dante USB I/O Module) Extron HDMI (Intel(R) Display Audio)
Chemistry Lab

The new state of the art chemistry lab is located in the Arts /Science Building.  As part of the upgrade the AV technologies teaching system was upgraded.  This included the ability for hybrid teaching / recording.  The new lab has a capacity of 144 students.  

Available Equipment
1 x 75" TV
(located beside teachers desk)
10 x 65" TVs
(located on both side walls)
Display on Lecturn YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone YES
1 x Lapel Microphone
(located in office)
1 x Handheld Microphone
(located in office)
Boundary Microphone - Sennheiser Team Connect ceiling microphone
(used for lecture capture, hybrid calls audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
HDMI Laptop connection YES
2 x AVer Tracking cameras, one for presenter tracking and one for audience
AVer Tracking system to automatically switch from one camera to another
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams etc YES
Additional Technical Features
Height adjustable Lecturn YES
Control Panel - Extron Touchpanel YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera - AVer camera used as both document camera and document camera YES
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
Hybrid Teaching Settings
Camera Microphone Speaker
AVer MT300N Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (DMP Plus USB#1) Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (DMP Plus USB#1)
Instructions on how to use the system
  • Press "PRESS ANYWHERE TO BEGIN" Button on Controller to turn on projector.
  • Select "PC" when using the Hybrid equipment.  (Camera, microphones are connected to PC only). When you move the mouse the PC should wake up, if not please press the Power button on the PC to turn on.
  • Login to the provided PC using your University of Galway campus account:
  •                 Staff:  login using staffid  (e.g 0123456s ) and associated password
  • From the PC desktop, please double click to the application you wish to use. i.e. MS Teams or Zoom.  When signing in to Teams or Zoom please use login [email protected] and associated password.
  • Ensure that you select the correct, camera, microphone and the speaker within the application’s  Audio & Video settings.
  • How to select the correct Camera, Microphone, and Speaker while using this PC for Hybrid Meetings:
  • Select "AVER MT300N " as your camera. You can then select the correct Camera Setting from the Touchpanel.
  • Select “Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (DMP Plus USB#1)”as your microphone.  
  • Select  “Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (DMP Plus USB#1)” as your speaker.  
Camera Controls

There are 4 different profiles that can be chosen from for camera settings.  The user can change the camera settings and turn on/off camera tracking in the Lecturer Camera using the below on the control panel under "CAMERA CONTROLS":

  • Select "Presenter FIXED" for Fixed Camera shot on Presenter only.
  • Select "Presenter Tracking" for Presenter Tracking.  This will track to one presenter only.
  • Select "SPEAKER TRACKING" for Presenter  / Audience Tracking for.  This will change between Presenter tracking and audience questions automatically.
  • Select "AUDIENCE FIXED" for Fixed Audience.  This is a wide fixed shot of audience.  
Press "SHUTDOWN" and log off the PC to shut down.
ISS General Access PC Suite 105

PC Suite 105 is a large PC Suite located in the Arts /Science Building.

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Desk YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor NO
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams NO
Additional Technical Features
Teachers Desk YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES
ISS PC Suite 228

PC Suite 228 is a large PC Suite located in the Arts /Science Building.

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Desk YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor NO
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams NO
Additional Technical Features
Teachers Desk YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES -through projector
ISS PC Suite 229

PC Suite 229 is a large PC Suite located in the Arts /Science Building.

Available Equipment
Data Projector YES
Display on Desk YES
1 x Lecturn Microphone NO
Lapel Microphone
(located in projection room at back of theatre)
Handheld Microphone
(needs to be booked in advance and collected from Audiovisual)
Boundary Microphone
(used for lecture capture audio into MSTeams, Zoom, Kaltura etc)
Laptop Connections
VGA Laptop connection NO
HDMI Laptop connection YES
USB 2.0 FHD UVC Webcam on monitor NO
Web Conferencing 
Compatible with Zoom, MS Teams NO
Additional Technical Features
Teachers Desk YES
Control Panel - Extron MLC100 YES
Networked Windows Computer (PC) YES
Document Camera NO
Wireless Presentation via Apple TV NO
Overhead projector NO
Speakers YES -through projector