CELT AV Desktop Video Conferencing Policy

University of Galway Desktop Video Conference Policy

Purpose: This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for conducting desktop video conferences within the University of Galway.

Scope: This policy applies to all University staff members and contractors who engage in desktop video conferences as part of their work responsibilities.

1. Software and Platform Usage:

  • Staff members should use approved desktop video conferencing platforms as designated by the University ISS department. Currently approved platforms are Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
  • Ensure that the software is kept up to date with the latest security patches.

2. Scheduling and Notification:

  • Schedule video conferences in advance whenever possible to allow participants to plan accordingly.
  • Provide clear and detailed meeting invitations, including date, time, agenda, and video conference link.

3. Technical Requirements:

  • Conduct regular tests of equipment, including cameras, microphones, and speakers, to ensure optimal performance.
  • Maintain a reliable and high-speed internet connection during video conferences.

4. Environment and Attire:

  • Choose a quiet, well-lit, and professional-looking environment for video conferences.
  • Dress appropriately for a professional setting.

5. Security and Privacy:

  • Do not share video conference links on public forums.
  • Enable password protection for video conferences, especially for sensitive discussions.
  • Avoid discussing confidential information in public spaces.

6. Meeting Conduct:

  • Mute microphones when not speaking to minimize background noise.
  • Use video when appropriate to enhance engagement and communication.
  • Be mindful of background and surroundings to maintain professionalism.

7. Recording of Meetings:

  • Obtain consent from participants before recording any video conferences.
  • Store recorded meetings securely and only share them with authorised people.

8. Participation and Engagement:

  • Encourage active participation by all attendees.
  • Use collaboration tools and features provided by the video conferencing platform, such as chat or reactions.

9. Meeting Time Management:

  • Start and end video conferences on time to respect participants' schedules.
  • Stick to the agenda to ensure efficient use of time.

10. Troubleshooting and Support: - University staff members experiencing technical issues during a video conference should contact the University support team for assistance.

See link to learn more about resources and guidelines for troubleshooting common technical problems: Guidelines for troubleshooting common Desktop Video Conferencing technical problems

12. Compliance: - All University staff members should adhere to this policy to ensure consistency and security in desktop video conferences.