Hybrid Teaching - Venue 1 (Large Theatres) (copied)
This teaching venue is equipped with a HD (Panasonic AVStream Camera) video camera and echo-cancelling ‘boundary microphone’ system for the purpose of facilitating recording and/or broadcast of teaching sessions. This can be achieved using the PC built in to the lectern and some of the preinstalled University of Galway ISS supported applications, as outlined below.
These instructions apply to the following venues:
Building | Name/type | Room No. |
Aras Cairnes | Large Theatre | CA111 |
Aras Moyola | Large Theatre | MY243 |
Alice Perry | Large Theatre | ENG-G017 |
Alice Perry | Large Theatre | ENG-G018 |
Arts Science | Anderson Theatre | AC001 |
Arts Science | O’Flaherty Theatre | AC003 |
Arts Science | Kirwan Theatre | SC002 |
MRI | Large Theatre | MRA201 |
Clinical Science | Small Theatre | 227 |
Clinical Science | Large Theatre | 228 |
HBB | Large Lecture Theatre | G019 |
Shannon College | 11 venues |
Photo: Typical large lecture theatre with wide angle HD camera at the rear of the room.

Watch a video on how to turn the equipment on:
This video will show you how to turn on the PC and AV equipment in these venues:
Log into the PC
Login to the lectern PC using your University of Galway campus account:
Staff: login using [email protected] (e.g [email protected])
Select your preferred application, if hybrid teaching
There are a few additional steps you will need to follow when connecting to your chosen video teaching tool (Zoom, or Teams). This video explains how.
Select the correct camera, microphone and speaker equipment
Once you have logged into the application you wish to use, and before you initiate a recording or video call, please ensure that you select the correct, camera, microphone and the speaker within the application’s Audio Video settings.
- Select Panasonic AVStream Camera 1 as your camera. You should see a picture of yourself when the above camera has been selected.
- Select EchoCancelling Speakerphone DMP Plus USB1 as your microphone.
- Select EchoCancelling Speakerphone DMP Plus USB1 as your speaker.
If you wish to record – don’t forget to activate this in your chosen application.
Note: The microphones and cameras are oriented to only capture the audio of lecturers standing within 1.5m of the lectern.
Watch a video on selecting your hybrid teaching application:
Log out
When your teaching session has finished please remember to exit your chosen application and log out of the PC.
Further information
Learn more about using Hybrid Teaching applications or how you can extend the PC desktop so that students in the teaching venue can only see your presentation slides as opposed to the application.