Getting Started: Teaching Venue Instructions

This guide will show you how to use the lecture theatre controller system to turn on the equipment, select the correct source you require and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Step 1 : Turn on the Audio Visual (AV) Equipment

Most of our teaching venues are equipped with an Extron MLC 100 Control Panel at the lecture theatre podium, as pictured below.  Use this to begin.

  • Press the ON button on the Control Panel on the podium.
  • The system takes about 90 seconds to turn on.  
Extron MLC 100

Step 2: Using the PC

  • Press the PC source button on the Control Panel on the podium.


Extron MLC 100


  • The campus login page should appear on the PC once you move the mouse. If not, you may need to turn on the lecture theatre computer by pressing the Power on button on the computer.

The Power button on the PC (make sure it is illuminated)

  • Login using your University of Galway campus account credentials  Staff:  login using (e.g

Once Logged in you can use any of the appplications available on the PC (Powerpoint, Internet, Word, Excel, Teams, Zoom etc)

Step 3: Check your audio

Adjusting Audio Volume

Extron MLC 100

You can adjust the volume on the speakers by increasing or decreasing the volume until the desired level is reached.

It is also better to control the volume from the PC by adjusting the speaker volume on the podium Control Panel until the desired level is received.

Step 4 : Turning off the system

At the end of your lecture, you can turn off the system. To do so, follow these steps:

Extron MLC 100
  • Press the OFF button to turn off the system
  • Log off the PC to exit your UDS account