HelpLearning TechnologiesTurnitinTurntin FAQHow do I control when students see their Feedback and Grade for Turnitin Assignments?

How do I control when students see their Feedback and Grade for Turnitin Assignments?

This article will explain how you can control when and where students are able to view their grade and inline feedback inserted in the Feedback Studio.

1) Check the feedback release date within the Turnitin part of the assignment (accessed by clicking on assignment's name)

2) Check the 'available until' date within the Canvas part of the assignment (accessed by clicking the three stacked dots to the right of the assignment's name and choosing 'edit.'

For students to see both written feedback and a numerical grade (should you have chosen to enter one and wish the students to view it), there are both Turnitin settings and Canvas settings to consider.

Read each selection below on each type of setting.

The Turnitin Feedback Release date

Turnitin feedback is 'all or nothing'. If feedback is released, students will see (if applicable):

  • in-line comments
  • summary feedback
  • audio feedback
  • rubric feedback
  • numerical grade

If you have included a numerical grade but wish students to see only the feedback and not the grade, we recommend exporting the gradebook, then removing the grades individually from their Turnitin submission. Then you can import the gradebook back in so that they appear in the gradebook only and not the student's submission (check that the grades are hidden and not set to post automatically).

If your rubric includes a score, students will see this score in addition to the boxes selected.

It is important to ensure that the Turnitin Feedback Release date is set correctly.  This setting governs when students are able to view their feedback  within Turnitin Feedback Studio.

This is date is the date and time students can begin  viewing the comments and grades you have left on their papers.

This is a setting you have entered when first creating the Turnitin assignment. You can adjust it by going back to the assignment link directly in 'Assignments' on Canvas and amending the setting.

Please note that the students will not be able to see their feedback after the Feedback Release Date has passed if there is an 'until' date set on the assignment. This locks students out of the assignment entirely, leaving them unable to click into their submission.

To remove or change the Available Until date, access it the same way it was added to the assignment.

First, click on the three stacked dots to the right of the assignment's name. Choose edit.

Click on the more options button at bottom left.

This opens up all the assignments settings at the Canvas level. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Assign area.

If there is a date populated in the Until box, this is restricting students from clicking in to see their submission, and with it, all of the feedback.

To provide access, delete the information below the 'Until' box and save the assignment. This will allow students to access their feedback once the Feedback Release Date has passed.

Gradebook column is set to 'hide grades'

If the feedback release date is in the past and there is no Until date (or the Until date is in the FUTURE), students will be able to see all feedback, including numerical, if they click on the assignment name and access their submission.

However, they will not receive an alert that grades have been released until you post the grades in the gradebook.

Similarly, they will not see the grade in the Grades area until you post grades in the gradebook.

If you have set the gradebook column to be hidden within Canvas grades area, students will not be able to see their grades under Grades.

You see know an assignment column is hidden by the icon at the top - an eye with a line through it. Note: this icon only appears once there are grades in the column.