How Your Student(s) Uploads a Turnitin Assignment

Stage 2: The student submits their work

1.   The student accesses the Canvas course and the content area where the Turnitin Assignment link was created (e.g. Assignments). There may be a slight delay as the link to the Turnitin Service is established and the student is brought to the Assignment Dashboard..



2.   The student can see information about the Assignment (e.g. instructions, dates and max points, etc.) by clicking on the assignment title.



3.   A summary of the assignment settings is also available.


4.   To submit a paper, the student clicks on the blue Upload Submission button. They can upload a paper by browsing to find it, enter text or upload from a cloud service (e.g. DropBox or OneDrive).



5.   Click Upload and Review to see a preview of the submission before confirming.

6.   Once a submission has been made, the student can return to the Assignment Dashboard to resubmit (if permitted) or view a similarity report (if permitted). They can also download a submission receipt from this area.