How to create a Turnitin Assignment
Stage 1: The instructor creates the Turnitin assignment
1. Go to the Assignment area on your Canvas course
2. Look for the three dots to the right of the blue '+ Assignment' button and select to add a Turnitin Assignment

The first time you do this, you’ll be asked to accept a user agreement.
3. You will now be brought to a new page where you can add the details and settings for your new Turnitin assignment.
During this step, a cookie will be set on your web browser to allow Turnitin to authorise your access during use of the site. Please ensure that the web browser you are using will allow the cookie to be set by their site,
4. Enter the name of the assignment and a description.
Tip: Make these meaningful for your students, so that they know exactly where to submit the right assignment.
5. You can add instructions as necessary.
6. Specify the Points Possible, or 0 (zero) if the work is not being graded, and a due date.
Tip: For easiest calculation, make the Points Possible whatever you normally mark out of – usually 100. It can be scaled later to include in overall module calculations.
7. For course management, you can select when the assignment link will be visible to students. This does NOT reflect the due date. Remember that students will have to use the link, even after the due date has passed, to access feedback.

8. You can also choose to specify additional settings by expanding the Optional Settings section prior to completing creation of your assignment.

10. You can specify a variety of settings, including but not limited to allowing late submission, enabling anonymous marking, and excluding bibliographic materials from the similarity report.
11. Click Submit, at the bottom right of the page, to complete the setup. The Turnitin Assignment link now appears in your course.
Turnitin Submission Settings
You are advised to consider the particular settings of your Turnitin Assignment to ensure it best matches the needs of your students and your assessment strategy.
Detail relating to the some of the additional setting options is available here:
See for full details on settings
Please note, if you want to attach a rubric to your Turnitin assignment, the option to do so is not provided in the settings when first adding a Turnitin assignment.
- To add a rubric, click on the Turnitin assignment you have just added.
- In the top corner of the Assignment inbox, choose Settings.
- Click on Optional Settings, to display the Attach a Rubric option.

New to Optional Settings is the "Enable anonymous marking" setting. By selecting this option, your students' names will not be visible to instructors during marking.
Are you looking to edit your Turnitin settings? You can change some of the settings on Turnitin directly by clicking the settings wheel at the right:
The settings you can change via the settings wheel are:
- Feedback release date/time
- Point value
- All 'optional settings' (including adding a rubric)
In the Turnitin assignment settings, edit options by clicking on 'Optional Settings' to modify acceptance of late submissions, resubmissions, rubric attachment and similarity detection levels.

Other settings must be changed in the Canvas component, via 'edit assignment'.
Here you can edit the instructions for students (NOTE: you can add files and links by doing this after creating the assignment). You can also change the due date, availability dates and times, assignment name and how the mark will display (e.g. as points, as a letter).
It is important to note that if even if you choose to display the mark as a letter grade here, if you type in a number on the Turnitin submission, the student will see that number after the feedback release date.
See for for more information about creating an assignment.