How to add in H5P content on Canvas
H5P is an interactive authoring tool available in Canvas. A full site license for all 'instructors' has been provided for this academic year.
You can add in previously created content or create new content to be used with students. These can be found in Pages and Assignments.
Create a new or open an existing page. Click 'edit' and find the 'external tool' button.
If H5P does not appear on the list, click 'View All' and you will find it there. Once you have used it, it will show up on the shorter dropdown menu for the next time. From there, interact with H5P as normal.
You will have access in to Add existing H5P content or create new H5P content.
When complete, click Insert, and your H5P content will be inserted into your Page.

To assign H5P content to students, create a new assignment. Choose 'external tool' from the drop down menu and then click 'Find'.

Select Interactive Content - H5P from the list.

Click Select.
You can now access existing or create new H5P content on your course.
There are a wide variety of H5P content types.
Look through the examples to decide which content types might best suit your needs: hosts in-depth tutorials for authors for its content types, and is the most up to date user guide available.
Visit their hub for all your authoring needs:
The H5P OER Hub provides authors with the opportunity to reuse and share open educational resources all within Canvas. When you go to create H5P content on Canvas, you will now be given an option to browse for open content as pictured below.
To begin working with the OER Hub, please follow H5P's documentation.
If you are new to using open education resources, we recommend consulting this National Forum guide to Using OER and OEP for Teaching and Learning.
H5P has tools for live engagement, including multipoll, word cloud, and emoji cloud. You can learn more about these tools in the video below.
See for more information
Learn more about H5P
Go to to learn more.